Sunday, March 14, 2010


The weather in Rochester has decided to give us a little glimpse of Spring... beautiful. :)

So let's see... Just this school year alone, there have been more than 10 wedding engagements that I've heard of, and 7 of them are my friends', and 1 my own. It seems to be the popular thing to do.

I'm glad to see that a lot of my friends are also treating it very seriously. Some of these people have grown up so much. I'm so proud of some of them. Heck, I'm even proud of myself for being able to be man enough to face my own tribulations. I'm glad that we're all in the same boat, and that we're all serious about having to sustain a family.

It makes me happy to know that I'm not alone in striving to be a functioning member of society, and aspiring to be financially stable in order to provide, and put family first. :)

So much so that I had my first "real-world" job interview. Knocked their socks off... they like me. The principal put me on "fast-track" and gave me the opportunity to teach in a mock-setting. NICE.

It'll be great to have a job straight away after graduating. No reason to be scared. God will provide, and I just need to keep finding His opportunities.

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