Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Doing a lot of things recently... I feel like I don't have enough time to breath. I'm doing the best that I can, but I can't do everything. Taking it day by day...

A lot of my friends are getting engaged. This is ridiculous! I'm getting old!

Then it dawned upon me... if two people love each other, and really want to be with one another, and they're both old enough... why not get married? If everything seems to be in place, why not do it?

I'm graduating soon, and I'm trying to find a teaching gig. And yes, I'm still thinking about grad school, but I most definitely would take a job over school unless school is free, or almost free. But work seems to be more appropriate. And I've been working with kids so much this semester... I really feel the calling to be around them!

And I really feel the call to be around my own as well. Waiting for that day, I guess. I'm thinking more and more about matrimony. I'm not totally sure, but every time I think about it, the more I get this feeling of closure. I start to feel older now that my friends are taking this path of becoming one with their partners... and I'm starting to think that I too am ready.

Some people that come across our lives were used as God's instruments to teach us lessons that will help us get closer to heaven. THAT'S THE POINT. And at some point in our lives, WE have been used as His instruments. See... we're all made to be with Him. There are no excuses. No matter how painful our relationships are, no matter how happy we are, or how sad, or how hurt we are, the only reason why we have to go through what we have to is because we are made to be with Him. If we choose otherwise, then that's our doing, not His. We were given the power to choose because we can take accountability! And He knew that. Which is why we learn from our relationships, be it romantic or not.

So even if we feel like we were "used", think of how you were God's instrument rather than piling up the negativity that was brought unto you. In the end of the day, I'd rather go to bed and tell myself that I helped someone get closer to Him... regardless of how much pain I went through.

But that's just me.

1 comment:

-=|l0sT r0aMeR|=- said...

hey Neil! I was thinking about you and it's been a long time man.. Ghim Kui here! How are you man? haha...

Anyways, I've got a new blog @ jimmisophy@wordpress.com.. And do you have a facebook account? haha..

Take care and God bless you! :)